AbilityPoint, Inc is an External Case Management Agency that works with people who may or may not receive services from other agencies. Case Managers assist each individual and his/her support network to identify, select, obtain, and coordinate available resources and natural supports. The Arc has the largest external case management program in Kansas.
For additional case management information at AbilityPoint contact Amanda Riddle, TCM Director, at (316) 221-2042
What is Targeted Case Management?
As outlined in Kansas Administrative Regulation (K.A.R.) 30-64-24, case management “shall assist the person and the person’s support network to identify, select, obtain, coordinate, and use both paid services and natural supports as may be available to enhance the person’s independence, integration, and productivity consistent with the person’s capabilities and preferences as outlined in the person’s person-centered support plan”.
Targeted Case Management services include the following:
Assessment, including an ongoing process to identify the person’s needs and preferred lifestyle, and the resources that are available to the person through both formal and informal evaluation methods
Support Planning, with the participation of the person and the person’s support network, including
- Developing (or assistance in developing), updating, and reviewing of the person’s person-centered support plan and any related service or support plan
- Building upon assessment information to assist the person in meeting his or her needs and achieving the person’s preferred lifestyle
- Providing the following assistance to the person:
- Becoming knowledgeable about the types and availability of community services and support options
- Receiving information regarding the rights of persons served pursuant to the developmental disabilities reform act
- Implementing regulations, the content of which shall be approved by the commission
- Obtaining the community services and supports of the person’s choice
Support Coordination, including the following:
- Arranging for and securing supports outlined in the person’s person-centered support plan
- Developing and accessing of natural supports and generic community support systems
- Providing advocacy, including pursuing means for gaining access to needed services and entitlements
- Seeking modification of service systems when necessary to increase the accessibility to those systems by the person
Monitor and Follow-up, including ongoing activities that are necessary to ensure that the person-centered support plan and related supports and serves are effectively implemented and adequately address the person’s needs
Transition Assistance and Portability, including the planning of and arranging for services to follow the person when the person moves between any of the following:
- From school to the adult world
- From an institution to community alternatives (180 days)
- From one kind of service setting to another kind of service setting
- From one provider to another provider
- From one service area to another service area